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ActualitésVoir tout


Dapagliflozin combined with metformin improves blood glucose, bone metabolism and bone mineral density in elderly...

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by...
The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences, 24-01-2025

Screening and prognostic roles of renal volumetry and scintigraphy in the assessment of living kidney transplant...

In terms of the prognosis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), living donor...
BMC Nephrology, 24-01-2025
Santé des femmes

Cystic Spaces in the Endometrium on Ultrasound and Correlations With Pathological Diagnosis: A Contemporary...

Pelvic ultrasound is commonly performed as part of the investigation of...
The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology, 24-01-2025

L'actu scientifiqueVoir tout

CardiologieLire la suite


PDIA3 rs2788: An Independent Risk Factor for...

The Journal of Clinical Hypertension

Insuffisance cardiaque (IC)

Associations of iron deficiency with cardiac...

European Journal of Heart Failure


The predictive value of triglyceride-glucose...

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

Soins intensifsLire la suite

Anesthésiologie et médecine de la douleur

Quercetin can improve anesthesia induced neuroinflammation...

BMC Anesthesiology

Médecine des soins intensifs

A murine model of acute and prolonged abdominal...

Intensive care medicine experimental

DermatologieLire la suite

Dermatite atopique

Itching for innovation: role of aryl hydrocarbon...

Clinical & Experimental Dermatology


Factors Influencing the Use of Shave Biopsy...

Australasian Journal of Dermatology

Science de la barrière cutanée

Aging Skin: A Dermatitis To Which All Flesh...

Journal of Cutaneous Pathology

NéphrologieLire la suite

Lésions rénales aiguës et chroniques

Blood pressure control with active ultrafiltration...

BMC Nephrology


Clinical and novel insights into risk factors...

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Transplantation rénale

Pulse wave parameters as a predictor of the...

BMC Nephrology

NeurologieLire la suite

La maladie d'Alzheimer

Therapeutic implications of necroptosis activation...

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Neuropathies périphériques

The JAK1/3 Inhibitor Tofacitinib Regulates Th...

Muscle & Nerve

PsychiatrieLire la suite


Prognostic impact of psychoeducation program...

BMC Psychiatry

Troubles bipolaires

Psychoneural reduction revised: The case of...

European Journal of Neuroscience


Nurses' Perceptions of Patients With Co‐Occurring...

Journal of Advanced Nursing

Maladies raresLire la suite

Maladies de surcharge lysosomale

Clinical and molecular characteristics of 20...

BMC Pediatrics

Autres maladies rares

Comparative clinical efficacy and safety of...

American Journal of Hematology

Neurologie pédiatrique

Quality of life and caregiving burden associated...

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

RhumatologieLire la suite


Dapagliflozin combined with metformin improves...

The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences

Maladies systémiques

Oral Glucocorticoids for Skin Fibrosis in Early...

Arthritis Care & Research

Arthrite rhumatoïde (AR)

Identifying the genetic association between...

Clinical Rheumatology

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