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ActualitésVoir tout


Plasma Hepcidin as a potential informative biomarker of Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia

Intracellular iron plays a central role in many physiological processes,...
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 19-02-2025

Efanesoctocog Alfa Versus Emicizumab in Adolescent and Adult Patients With Haemophilia A Without Inhibitors...

Haemophilia A is a rare genetic disorder characterised by deficient,...
Advances in Therapy, 18-02-2025

Development and validation of a Guinea pig model for concurrent allergic rhinitis and asthma using recombinant...

As an airway inflammatory disorder, allergic rhinitis (AR) is characterized...
BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 18-02-2025

L'actu scientifiqueVoir tout

CardiologieLire la suite


Childhood occasional hypertension and its association...

Italian Journal of Pediatrics

Insuffisance cardiaque (IC)

Design and rationale of the eLym™ System...

ESC heart failure


Cardiac magnetic resonance quantified epicardial...

Cardiovascular Diabetology

Soins intensifsLire la suite

Anesthésiologie et médecine de la douleur

Effectiveness and Safety of Opioid-Free Anaesthesia...

BMC Anesthesiology

Médecine des soins intensifs

Association between serum creatinine—to—albumin...

BMC Cardiovascular Disorders

DermatologieLire la suite

Dermatite atopique

The Role of Moisturizer Containing Anti-inflammatory...

Dermatology Research and Practice,


Predicting BRAF Mutations in Cutaneous...

Journal of Skin Cancer,

Science de la barrière cutanée

Area-Specific Assessment of Stratum Corneum...

Dermatology Research and Practice,

NéphrologieLire la suite

Lésions rénales aiguës et chroniques

Acute kidney injury and outcomes in hospitalized...

Italian Journal of Pediatrics


Toxoplasma gondii molecular detection...

Tropical Medicine and Health

Transplantation rénale

Frequency of severe infections in rheumatic...

Clinical Rheumatology

NeurologieLire la suite

La maladie d'Alzheimer

Plasma Hepcidin as a potential informative biomarker...

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Neuropathies périphériques

Cardiac autonomic neuropathy is associated with...

Cardiovascular Diabetology


An exploratory fetal MRI study examining the...

Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders

PsychiatrieLire la suite


Sleep duration and its associated factors in...

BMC Psychiatry

Troubles bipolaires

Characteristics of people with bipolar disorder...

International Journal of Bipolar Disorders

Maladies raresLire la suite

Maladies de surcharge lysosomale

Influence of Treatment Effect Modifiers in Fabry...

Advances in Therapy

Autres maladies rares

Protein requirements in adults with phenylketonuria...

Journal of inherited metabolic disease

Neurologie pédiatrique

Clinically meaningful improvements after gene...

Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases

RhumatologieLire la suite


Continuity and volume of bone cement and anti...

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Maladies systémiques

Aseptic Meningitis and White Matter Disease...

Case Reports in Rheumatology,

Arthrite rhumatoïde (AR)

Real-world study comparing the efficacy of Janus...

Clinical Rheumatology

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