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Sources and criteria of information

GNM Healthcare Group Companies USA, Inc. alone ensures the selection and hosting of content.
GNM Healthcare Group Companies USA, Inc. engages its responsibility with regard to the validity and relevance of the articles made available.

Sources of information

All the information presented on the site is provided by peer-reviewed journals.
They are articles supplied in their full version* by the following publishing groups: Springer Nature Group, Wolters Kluwer Health, Elsevier, Wiley, Oxford University Press, BMJ Publishing Group, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, BioMed Central, Taylor & Francis
* For copyright reasons, the full free versions of the articles are available for a period of 30 days. Beyond this period, the abstracts and the URL link to the editor's site are accessible.

Modes of selection of the information

The content is stored in the GNM Healthcare Group Companies USA, Inc. database. A specific search engine in natural language enables the selection of the most relevant articles from any source using the following keywords:

Cardiology: HTA hypertension "Blood pressure" "heart failure" "Coronary artery disease" "Peripheral arterial disease" "Embolic stroke" Diabetes Dyslipidemia Obesity Angioplasty Stenting PCI "coronary revascularization" bypass (Cardio Vascular) AND (Surgery) "Heart transplantation"
Critical Care Medicine: anesthesi* Pain analgesi* "Intensive Care" critic* ICU "Intensive Care Surgery" "Intensive Care Medicine"
Dermatology: "Atopic Dermatitis" Melanoma Psoriasis Acne* keratos* dermatos* anti-aging
Endocrinology: "type 1 diabetes", "type 2 diabetes" Insulin *glycemia *thyroidism "Hashimoto's thyroiditis" "Addison's disease" *aldosteronism "Conn's syndrome" "Diabetes insipidus" "neuroendocrine tumors" NETs Pituitary nutrition nutri*
Hematology: leukemia lymphoma "blood cancer" Hemophilia haemophilia willebrand coagulopath* "inherited bleeding disorders" Thrombocytopenia
HepatoGastroenterology: gastr* oesopha* "gastric diseases" "gastric cancer" intestin* bowel colo* rect* "intestinal diseases" liver hepat* steat* cirrho* "liver diseases" Constipation diarrh* Hemorrhoid* Anal Perianal Pancreat*
Infectious diseases: HIV AIDS vaccin* infectious septicemia endocarditis sepsis
Nephrology: "Acute kidney injury" "Chronic kidney injury" AKI CKD *dialysis "kidney transplantation"
Neurology: stroke "Cerebral haemorrhage" "Carotid endarterectomy" Parkinson* "Dopamine agonist" "multiple sclerosis" Seizures Absence epipepsia Alzheimer "Guillain-Barré Syndrome" Multinevrit* Polynevrit* neuralgia "neuropathic pain"
Oncology: "Breast cancer" "Lung cancer" "Colorectal cancer" (cancer) NOT (breast lung colorectal hemato*)
Ophthalmology: AMD "Retinal Disease" "macular degeneration" Glaucoma (eye ophtal* uveit* conjonctiv* optic cornea) NOT (glaucom* AMD retinal* "macular degeneration")
Orthopedics: "Join disorders" arthro* arthrosis Spine "back pain" Trauma* fracture
Pneumology: Asthma "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" COPD Bronchiectasis Asbestosis Sarcoidosis "Pulmonary fibrosis" "Nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma" "Small-cell lung carcinoma" Tuberculosis "Bacterial pneumonia" "Viral pneumonia" "Atypical pneumonia"
Psychiatry: "Bipolar disorders" mania* depression addict* substance schizophrenia schizophren* anxiety nevro* "obsessive‐compulsive"
Pediatrics: Child*, Neonat* preterm*, Child* AND Transplant*
Rare diseases: Gaucher, Fabry, Alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT), AAT deficiency, panacinar emphysema, Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis phenylketonuria, PKU,Myasthenia, Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency , Neurofibromatosis 1,
Rheumatology: "Rheumatoid Arthritis" "Rheumatoid factor" "Ankylosing Spondylitis" "Psoriatic Arthritis" "Infectious arthritis" Gout "Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis" "Bone loss" "bone density" "Lupus Erythematosus" "Sjogren's Syndrome" Scleroderma Vascularitis
SARS-Cov-2: Covid-19, SARS-Cov-2
Urology: "Bladder diseases" "bladder cancer" "Erectile dysfunction" erectil* "prostate cancer" prostat* "Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia" BPH (uro*) NOT Titre:(kidney bladder)
Women's Health: Endometriosis "Gynecologic oncology" (endometr* ovar* cervic*) AND (cancer) Menopause *menopaus* Obstetrics

  This bibliographical database is provided by GNM Healthcare Group Companies USA, Inc. in full editorial independence.
The information published within the framework of this service may discuss or suggest certain therapies that have not been validated by the competent national authorities.