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Who we are

ContentGeneMD is a GNM Healthcare Group Companies USA, Inc. initiative.
Our company has been providing peer-reviewed contents from all the major publishers to Healthcare professionals around the world for the last 20 years.
Our goals

What physicians are saying...

ContentGeneMD plays an important role in documenting the latest innovations in clinical & scientific research.
Physicians opinions


Content coverage & tools

ContentGeneMD offers access from over 1600 scholarly, peer-reviewed journals in more than 21 major therapeutic areas and 80+ sub-specialties.

Peer-Reviewed Journals A-Z

Provide the latest scientific and clinical Full-Text articles
From Peer-Reviewed Journals
Exclusive content in Advanced Online Publication (AOP)
Diagnostic Assistant©
We have also designed a diagnostic assistant to better support your primary opinions and diagnostic journey whilst providing guidance in optimal patient care.
Diagnostic Assistant
The information provided in the service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships.