HDL proteome and apolipoproteins concentrations in severe ICU COVID-19 patients

  • Published on 02/03/2025
  •  Reading time: 7 min.

Begue Floran 1,2, Veeren Bryan 1, Rondeau Philippe 1, Florence Aline-Marie 3,4, Jamard Simon 5, Montravers Philippe 6,7,8, Tanaka Sébastien 1,6, Meilhac Olivier 1,9, on behalf of French COVID Study Group

1 https://ror.org/02vjkv261 Université de La Réunion, INSERM UMR 1188 Diabète athérothombose Réunion Océan Indien (DéTROI) 97410 Saint-Pierre de La Réunion France
2 https://ror.org/004dan487 Délégation de la Recherche Clinique et de l’Innovation USMD, CHU Réunion 97448 Saint-Pierre France
3 https://ror.org/05f82e368 INSERM IAME UMR 1137 Université Paris Cité Paris France
4 https://ror.org/03fdnmv92 Department of Epidemiology Biostatistics and Clinical Research Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (AP-HP) Nord, Hopital Bichat Paris France
5 https://ror.org/00jpq0w62 Department of Infectious Disease University Hospital of Tours Tours France
6 https://ror.org/03fdnmv92 Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Assistance AP-HP, Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital Paris France
7 https://ror.org/05f82e368 University of Paris, UFR Denis Diderot Paris France
8 https://ror.org/02vjkv261 PHERE, Physiopathology and Epidemiology of Respiratory Diseases INSERM U1152 Paris France
9 https://ror.org/004dan487 CHU de La Réunion 97410 Saint-Pierre France


Background SARS-CoV-2 infection affects both lipid metabolism and lung function. The severity of the disease has been associated with reduced levels of both high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Despite the crucial role that these nanoparticles play in SARS-CoV-2 infection, few studies have examined their structure during COVID-19 beyond HDL quantity.
The study aimed to assess apolipoprotein levels in COVID-19 patients who either...


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