Effect of Cariprazine on Anhedonia in Patients with Bipolar I Depression: Post Hoc Analysis of Three Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials

  • Published on 02/04/2025
  •  Reading time: 5 min.

McIntyre Roger S. 1, Llorca Pierre-Michel 2, Aronin Lauren C. 3, Yu Jun 3, Nguyen Huy-Binh 3,4

1 https://ror.org/03dbr7087 University of Toronto Toronto ON Canada
2 https://ror.org/01a8ajp46 University of Clermont Auvergne, UMR 6602 Institut Pascal (IP) Clermont-Ferrand France
3 https://ror.org/02g5p4n58 AbbVie North Chicago IL USA
4 100 Park Avenue 07932 Florham Park NJ USA


Introduction Anhedonic symptoms in bipolar I (BP-I) depression are associated with decreased quality of life and impaired functioning. We evaluated the effects of cariprazine in patients with BP-I depression with lower or higher levels of anhedonia at baseline.
Methods Data were pooled from three clinical trials (NCT01396447, NCT02670538, NCT02670551) analyzing the effects of cariprazine 1.5 and 3 mg/day in adults with BP-I depression. During...


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